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Historical Conflict: Interdisciplinary Interaction History and Psychology
I.V. Maslova

The article reveals the possibilities of interdisciplinary interaction history and psychology to study conflict in history. Different types of conflicts that occurred in the urban environment of XIX century. , Considered by the example of county-level cities Vjatskoj and Kazan provinces .
Historical Conflict involves interdisciplinary studies with methodological principles and methods used in history and other social sciences and humanities . Speaking as subistoricheskoy discipline , the historical conflict management provides opportunities for interaction between the two paradigms prevailing in historical scholarship in the beginning of the XXI century. : The socio- structural and socio -cultural . Studies in the field of historical conflict studies , led to the conclusion that the conflict is due to the historical epoch , which allows to predict the possibility of a conflict of confrontations in similar historical circumstances and helps to identify the main techniques for permission.

Keywords: interdisciplinary , historical conflict management , conflict , Vyatka , Kazan province, everyday life , leisure.

Contacts: E-mail: Saveli3@yandex.ru

Pp. 03-09.


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