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Nobel Prize Winners 2012 in Category «Literature», «World» and «Economy»
D.S. Ryazanov V.M. Tyutyunnik

Since 1901 the Nobel Prize awarded in five categories – for research in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, for achievements in literature and the contribution to the peace process, and (from 1969) for excellence in the development of economic sciences.
The most honorable award of international importance were called by the name of its founder – the talented Swedish inventor and one of the most prominent businessmen of the second half of XIX century. Alfred Nobel (1833–1896 gg.), Whose capital, according to his will, was the basis for a specially created fund. For the selection of candidates in each of the nominations, a special Nobel committee (five of them are in Sweden - one in Norway), held annually in October, based on assessments of experts selects from a list of nominees for the main contenders for the award, and transmits the data to the appropriate rewards the organization.
The article presents material about the winners of the Nobel Prize 2012 in the category «literary tour», «peace» and «economy».

Keywords: The Nobel Prize in Literature Prize, Peace Prize, the prize for economics.

Contacts: E-mail: vmt@tmb.ru

Pp. 19-27.


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